"I nearly lost a finger at Pangs Restaurant"

A review of Pangs Cottage Restaurant by Roger written on Friday 21st of March 2008


Last week I went out for a meal with my best friend, having done "the guy thing" and not booked anywhere, we walked into Pangs in Yeading on the off-chance of being able to get seated. Fortunately there was a free table so in we went. They run an "all you can eat" format for a fixed price, however unlike some other restaurants that do this, Pangs do a buffet style of serving. You don't order anything you just go and help yourself to three courses (starters, appetizers and main meal) of very nicely cooked and well prepared Chinese food. It would be fair to say that I made a bit of a pig of myself but, I couldn't resist. I am returning to Pangs tonight with my Wife and kiddies, I can't wait haven't eaten all day!!!!

Nothing fancy just good, honest well cooked food served in a relaxed atmoshphere.

When eating your starters with your fingers, don't forget to stop eating when you reach your fingers. I didn't OUCH..

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  • As the place is now closed down it is of no matter. But i must say i have been ther meney times and ...
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  • Rubbish by Anita Bath
    Yesterday i went to Pangs Cottage and the food there was absolutely disgusting and I nearly threw up...

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Pangs Cottage Restaurant

Map showing Pangs Cottage Restaurant on Yeading Lane