A review of His Grace by RICCO POLLAN written on Friday 5th of October 2007


BRIAN, if you are reading this.....I have been looking everywhere for you!! It's me, Ricco Pollan, from the USA. This is the address that I last had for you and I looked it up online and came up with this beauty shop......do you work there or pick up your mail there? I don't know if you remember me, but I called you from the USA over 2 years ago and we talked for over an hour about video editing software and what was the best in your opinion. I met you online in "Dot Warez Land". I tried to stay in touch, but you just dissapeared. Please contact me at: SKYNETRP@AOL.COM ASAP!! I'll email you my cell number and we can talk!.

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His Grace

Map showing His Grace on Barking Road
