"A good listening GP"

A review of G Clouter by Santorini 12 written on Friday 14th of September 2007


Dr Clouter is a good listener who never seems in a hurry with her patients. She always seems to cover a lot of ground in a very short time, by asking the 'right' questions. I found her support invaluable during a recent illness and she continues her help by combining her expertise as a physician with what I know will work for me and my problems. I feel that I am lucky to have her as a GP. She sometimes needs reminding of things, for example taking a blood pressure, but I always find that a consultation with her helps me..

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  • A good listening GP by Santorini12
    I have found Dr Clouter to be a good listener, someone who asks the 'right' questions of this patien...

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G Clouter

Map showing G Clouter on Albion Road