"Can never get an appointment here!"

A review of Heronsgate Dental Centre by Anonymous written on Tuesday 4th of September 2007


Previous review is very true..I've never got through to this place on the first call,everytime i've tried to make an appoinment its taken at least 20mins for someone to even answer the phone, you're then told that you cant make an appointment unless you ring them on the morning of the day you want to book.Which obviously is a nightmare because you cant ever get through!The receptionists are pretty rubbish, they um and ah and eventually just tell you to call back another time.Not helpful if you need an emergency appointment..or for that matter if you have a job!not impressed at all, but seeing as its the only surgery near where i live i have no choice but to stick with it.lets hope it improves!.

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Heronsgate Dental Centre

Map showing Heronsgate Dental Centre on Goosander Way