
A review of Cyril Jackson Primary School by Jean cox written on Sunday 9th of June 2024


I was at cyril jackson school in early 70's mr palmer fab head master made us clap in assembly .mrs marr taught us scottish dancing and sewing.my female teacher was dating my brothers male teacher and he would carry me to his class n make me sit his lessons i dont know why but it humoured him i suppose. I was a shy girl my bestie was Adelena Taplin who ive lost track of but still think of

The school as many memories 4 me inc the arches that had football a boat etc in them .If you have an email for Adalena please pass on my email thank you .glad cyril jackson school is still going strong.all my memories are fond onea.

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Cyril Jackson Primary School

Map showing Cyril Jackson Primary School on Three Colt Street