"The Paget in the old days"

A review of London City Mission Paget Christian Centre by Ada written on Saturday 4th of July 2020


The Paget in 1948 was a hub for many local children to congregate and have fun. Mr. Hogg had newly arrived with his wife and family from Grangemouth Scotland. Mr. Wilson was a young man and the backbone of the Paget for many years. Mrs. McCarthy the caretaker was always on hand. Mr Hogg was aware of the poverty in the area and set out to give children a day out in the countryside once a year. Away from the fog and smog. Children didn't necessarily need to attend The Paget to be included. The Paget was a safe haven from the squalor we lived in. Sunday School, Youth club, Mr.Kincaid held a gym class weekly. Lots to do to keep us children off the streets. We will be forever grateful to Mr.Hogg Mr. Wilson and Mrs.McCarthy..

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London City Mission Paget Christian Centre

Map showing London City Mission Paget Christian Centre on Randells Road