"About Willow tree riding establishment"

A review of Willow Tree Riding Establishment by Anonymous written on Sunday 4th of January 2015


Willow Tree Riding Establishment is the best place to ride in Lewisham. The staff are incredibly kind and there is such a wide variety of horses and ponies able to cater for all types of rider. I think that Willow Tree should offer jumping and offsite hacking because the horses have a very "repetitive" routine and don't get enough fresh air, and most of the horses do get bored riding only in an indoor school, so I think it will do the horses and Willow Tree's riders some good to offer jumping and hacking. The yard could do with some renovation because it is quite old and run down, but Willow Tree is the no.1 place to ride in Lewisham. .

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Willow Tree Riding Establishment

Map showing Willow Tree Riding Establishment on Ronver Road