"Great food, sub par accomodations"

A review of Air Algerie by Mrs algeria written on Saturday 15th of September 2012



I really like AA cuz they have great service mashallah. But they are also disorganized, the air planes are old with subpar accomodations such as a nice clean toilet with all amenities available (the lighting culd use brightening, the chairs are old and un comfy, there's no thing to make them more comfy, and many other things). the airplane musta been new at one point obviously but is now old and needs at the very least to be refurbished inshallah.

Also, they when there are delays, there's no announcement, speaking of which, when they announce something, the speakers are so terrible, you cant hear anything. in addition, they dont serve anything like water/juice/pretzels/nuts to the customers while the unspecified and unexplained delay is going on. this is subpar service in my opinion.

however, the service itself is nice and friendly, very algerian so u can chat away about whatever you like mashallah and in the end, they are muslims (my understanding) so its nice mashallah:)


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Air Algerie

Map showing Air Algerie on Portman Square