"Great food and friendly service"

A review of Gennaro's Pizzeria by Victoria written on Sunday 11th of March 2007


Gennaros is a great family restaurant- fun environment, friendly waiters who make anyone feel welcome, from groups of kids to a family on a night out, and most importantly amazing food. If you want anything from pizza and pasta to a meat or fish dish Gennaros is the place to go. I would go in there for the Bruschetta alone (and have done!!!!) There is always a game on the plasma TV but its not intrusive as they have the sound down and music on in the background- so a compromise for a couple or family who don't share a love of football! If you're in Chingford (or even if you're not) is always worth popping into Gennaros- even just for lunch... I am today!.

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Gennaro's Pizzeria

Map showing Gennaro's Pizzeria on Station Road