" Spirit Medium Su Lin"

A review of Walthamstow National Spiritualist Church by David Green written on Sunday 18th of October 2009


I saw a program on TV some time ago now and one of your leaders said in passing that his spirit guide waas a Chinese Mandarin called Su Lin.

I am a Reiki master and I was chanelled to meet my master guide and he introduced himself as Su LIn, he was dressed in a deep blue silk richly decorated robe.Typical dress of Mandarin I thought.

After this encounter, to try and find out more I Googled the name and amongst an array of entries none of which connected I saw an account of a famous magician who used the name Su lin. He was English but always kept up the personna of being Chinese. Now did he take the name of a venerable mandarin? or is the guide we know of English origin?

I would be interested to find out more. .

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Walthamstow National Spiritualist Church

Map showing Walthamstow National Spiritualist Church on Vestry Road