"Hello to Mr Keith Hudson."

A review of Walthamstow National Spiritualist Church by Michael Wilson written on Tuesday 18th of August 2009


My wife Christine and I would like to say how much we enjoyed "meeting" you on the television the other evening Mr Hudson. It was such an enjoyable hour that we watched it again on Channel 4 plus 1. Christine and I are hoping to move to London before too long and are registered with various housing associations for sheltered accommodation for the retired. If all goes well we intend to be regulars at Walthamstow because the church and the people are so warm and friendly. We too are a spiritual couple having developed over many years. I would love to be in contact with you, or a friend if you are too busy, so that we might become known and welcomed as a decent and honest pair who seek truth and knowledge with an open mind. I enclose our address and email and look forward to a reply should you like to send one to us. Wishing you love and light. Michael John Wilson. 11 Read Way, Coningsby, Lincoln, LN4 4JX 01526 342810. michael.deschot@talktalk.net.

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Walthamstow National Spiritualist Church

Map showing Walthamstow National Spiritualist Church on Vestry Road