"Hilali Noordeen Gave me my life back"

A review of Hilali Noordeen by Omar Hasan written on Thursday 9th of April 2009


I was operated on by Hilali Noordeen at Princes Grace Hospital on 26th August 2004. I had a 7 hour surgery and titanium cage had to be implanted in my L-4, L-5, S-1 area of my spine. I had been unable to even walk prior to my surgery. Ever since my surgery I have been able to lead a normal productive life and my wife gave birth to our second son last month. I found Hilali Noordeen to be not only to be the best doctor/surgeon I have met but also a thorough gentleman. Ever since my surgery I have been dolling out his visiting cards to anyone I have come across with back injury. I pray that my God give him a long and healthy life because against all odds he changed my life from being criple to man whoes swiming, hunting big game and leading a productive life. My second son was only possible because this man was able gto save my life. He has enabled me to be able to play football with my eldest son. I have not been back to London since 2004 but I plan to some day call upon him with my family and thank him in person..

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Hilali Noordeen

Map showing Hilali Noordeen on Harley Street