"Bad customer service"

A review of Chutney Raj by Anonymous written on Wednesday 11th of March 2009


On Sunday afternoon, me and a group of our friends visit Chutney Raj, because of the lunch promotion. We were ushered to the tables. As we checked on the menu, we wanted to find out more about on the varieties of their food and their options for the lunch promotion, the waiter was impatiently and rude in answering our questions. He even blamed us for not hearing him carefully. He took our order reluctantly. On his way into the kitchen, we can clearly heard him mumbling something quite nasty to his colleagues. Just happened another friend joined us half way through our meal. The waiter came and asked him for his order. My friend just wanted to sit with us, but the waiter said he had to leave the restaurant because he was not ordering any food (must be food items, not even drink).

At the end of the meal, we were given our bill. The charged a glass of coke for £3. When we reasoned with them, they say the drink price was not stated in the menu and we should ask them about the price first before ordering.

This was by far the worst customer service we have received. .

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Chutney Raj

Map showing Chutney Raj on Gray's Inn Road