La Trouvaille
About La Trouvaille

Small but perfectly formed, La Trouvaille is a classic French restaurant that seems to shun foodie fashion and serve traditional Bourgeous cooking, albeit with a subtle twist every now and then. With its white walls and scrubbed wooden floor, the dining room is bright, light and elegant at this Soho French restaurant and it provides a perfect backdrop for hearty French cooking.
The food is authentically French and similar care and imagination goes into the wine list for the wine bar which comes predominantly from south west France.
Sample a la carte
- Bombonière de saint jacques, sauce aux oursins (pastry wraps scallops, sea urchin sauce)
- Feuilletĕ de lotte et boudin noir, sauce au poivre De sechuang (monkfish and black pudding feuilleté, sechuang pepper sauce)
- Parfait de pintade et ris de veau aux morilles (guinea fowl and sweet bread parfait with morels)
- Mousse de brocoli et comtĕ, sauce aux noix (broccoli and comté mousse, walnut sauce)
Other starters are available.
Main Course
- Cannon de mouton « herdwick » et saint jacques, laitue braisee, puree de choux fleur et sauce cardamome (filet of Herdwick mutton and seared scallops, braised lettuce, cauliflower mash and cardamom sauce)
- Filet de buf galloway, gratin de navets, carottes et fagots d'haricots verts, sauce a la truffe (fillet of Galloway beef, turnips gratin, carrots and green beans, truffle sauce)
- Filet de porc farci, purěe de choux de Bruxelles, jus aux pruneaux et cognac (fillet of pork with stuffing, Brussels sprout mash, prunes and cognac jus)
- Supreme de pigeon, petit pois ěcrasěs a la menthe, topinambours et sauce au chocolat amer (breast of pigeon, crushed minted pea, Jerusalem artichoke, bitter chocolate sauce)
- Tarte tatin de betterave, onions rouges e t fromage de chevre (beetroot, red onions and goat cheese tarte tatin)
- Filet de mullet, sautěe de champignons sauvages et blettes, jus de champignons crĕmĕ (fillet of grey mullet, sautéed wild mushrooms, Swiss chards and creamed mushroom jus)
Other main cuorses are available.
- Les fromages affinés (selection of French and English cheeses from Leadhenall cheeses)
- Fondant au chocolat, glace au gingembre
(chocolate fondant, ginger ice cream)
- Crumble au coing epice et raisin sec, creme fraiche au calvados (spiced quince and dry raisin crumble, crème fraiche flavoured with calvados)
- Bavarois a la banane, coulis de goyave et tamarillo (banana bavarois, guava coulis and tamarillo)
Other desserts are available.
Additional Information
12a Newburgh Street, W1F 7RR
Nearest tube:
Oxford Circus
2 courses £29.50
3 courses £35.00
An optional 12.5% service charge will be added to your bill
Average Price:
£35 - £44
Opening times:
Mon - Sat 12pm - 3:30pm & 6pm - 11pm
Closed Sun.
Dress Code: