The Gay Hussar
About The Gay Hussar

So much has been said about Soho's Gay Hussar, which has long been a favourite haunt of politicos and writers, that you don't really go here for the food but rather for the experience. Having said that, the Hungarian peasant dishes are simple but beautifully prepared and Gay Hussar can't fail to charm even the pickiest diner.
Full a la carte
Soup of the day - £3.80
Chilled wild cherry soup - £3.80
Beef goulash soup - £4.50
Fresh asparagus and bacon salad - £4.75
Fish terrine with Beetroot sauce & cucumber salad 4.90
Marinated fillet of herring with soured cream - £4.65
Fried mushrooms with tartare sauce - £3.70
Fish dumplings with a creamy dill and mushroom sauce - £4.90
Goose and pork pate - £3.90
Smoked Hungarian sausage - £4.10
Mixed Hungarian Salami 4.90
Warm Duck Salad with Mango Chutney 6.30
Hungarian hors d'Oeuvres - £6.85
Main Course
Vegetarian spinach pancakes with a selection of vegetables - £9.50
Vegetarian stuffed peppers - £9.50
Fish dumplings in creamy dill and mushroom sauce with rice - £11.50
Pan fried salmon with grilled vegetables & new potatoes - £12.50
Grilled fillet of bream with leek & potato cake - £10.75
Paprikás Töltött Palacsinta (chicken pancakes with new potatoes and spinach puree) - £11.50
Bécsi Szelet (Wiener Schnitzel with sauté potatoes) - £15.45
Hortobágyi Palacsinta (veal goulash pancake with new potatoes and grilled peppers) - £13.50
Csirke Paprikás Galuskával (chicken in a creamy paprika sauce and galuska)- £12.75
Kolozsvári Töltött Káposzta (stuffed cabbage, sauerkraut, smoked bacon and sausage) - £12.50
Cigány Gyors Tál (Gypsy quick dish-pork medallions with bacon, onions, potatoes and paprika) - £14.25
Borjú Pörkölt (veal goulash stew with galuska) - £14.75
Kacsa Sült (crispy roast duck with red cabbage, Hungarian potatoes and apple sauce) - £16.50
Brassói Érmék (grilled medallions of fillet steak, ragout of peppers, tomatoes, onions and potatoes) - £16.50
Füstölt Liba Mell (smoked breast of goose)with Scholet and red cabbage - £15.45
Fresh duck foie gras in Tokaji, with mashed potato - £16.50
Resztelt Máj (calves liver- sautéed with onions, bacon & red paprika,Hungarian potatoes) - £14.95
Sweet cheese pancakes £4.00
Ice cream and sorbet £3.20
Walnut pancakes £4.00
Additional Information
2 Greek Street, Soho, W1D 4NB
Nearest tube:
Tottenham Court Road
Average Price:
£25 - £34
Opening times:
Mon - Sat 12:15pm - 2:30pm and 5:30pm - 10:45pm
Dress Code:
Smart Casual