Bloody French
About Bloody French

Opt for the tube over the Eurostar and pay a visit to Notting Hill's Bloody French for bohemian bistro cookery. This popular bijous eatery has been drawing in both locals and Francophiles since 2007 and its classic décor of black painted walls and large shared tables fairly reeks of Parisian chic. Deeply and decadently rich traditional French dishes make up the petit but perfectly formed menu, including gratinee a l'oignon (onion soup) and a slowly braised lamb shank with vegetables and apricots. The restaurant's policy on letting customers bring their own wine from Sunday through Wednesday and set price menus make Bloody French bloody good value. Mais oui, mon chéri!
Sample a la carte
- Tartare de saumon en paupiette, Betterave et dressing au mais doux (smoked salmon stuffed with salmon tartare, beetroot and sweet corn dressing) £7.90
- Aumonière de poires pochées au vin rouge et au bleu d’auvergne (brick pastry stuffed with red wine poached pear and bleu d’auvergne cheese) £7.90
- Gratinée à l’oignon (traditional onion soup) £5.90
- Foie gras poêlé aux pommes (pan fried foie gras with apples) £8.90
Other starters are available.
Main Course
- Rosti, jus d’épinard, tomates cerises confites, tombée d’épinard à la crème (rosti, spinach juice, confite cherry tomatoes, creamed spinach) £10.90
- Faux filet de boeuf, sauce poivre vert, gratin dauphinois aux cèpes (beef sirloin steak , green peppercorn sauce, ceps gratin dauphinois) £16.90
- Souris d’agneau aux légumes et aux abricots (slowly braised lamb shank with vegetables and apricots) £13.50
- Cuisse de canard rôtie, sauce passion, pommes de terre nouvelles sautées (roast duck breast, passion sauce, sauteed new potatoes) £13.70
- Carré d’agneau rôti, sauce romarin, pommes fondantes (roast rump of lamb, rosemary sauce, melted potatoes) £15.90
- Daurade rôtie, beurre végétal, légumes poêlés (roast sea bream, vegetal butter, panfried vegetables) £14.50
Other main courses are available.
- Tatin aux pommes £5.90
- Moelleux au chocolat £5.90
- Assiette de fromages (beaufort, crottin de chèvre , reblochon, morbier) £5.90
- Panacotta à la passion, Tartare de mangue £5.20
Other desserts are available.
Additional Information
147 Westbourne Grove, Notting Hill, W11 2RS
Nearest tube:
Notting Hill Gate
Average Price:
£35 - £44
Opening times:
Mon 6pm - 10pm
Tues -Thurs 12pm - 2:30pm & 6pm - 10:30pm
Fri 12pm - 2:30pm & 6pm - 11pm
Sat 12pm - 4pm & 6pm - 11pm
Sun 12pm - 4pm & 6pm - 10pm
Dress Code:
Smart casual