About L’albufera

L’Albufera is one of two respected restaurants at the 582-room four star deluxe Melia White House on a corner of Regent's Park. Taking pride in its role as the flagship dining room of the Spanish-owned hotel, the formal setting features large, well-spaced tables and generously-proportioned armchairs creating a very comfortable environment. A distinctively Spanish menu is evenly split into tempting sections of tapas - such as cabrales cheese with apple and herb toast - salads, fish and seafood, meat and rice dishes. Pick of the bunch is the paellas - said to be amongst the best in London. Choose from house paella with lobster and squid, vegetarian (cooked with organic rice), Spanish creamy rice, and even noodle paellas.
Sample a la carte
- Terrine of duck foie gras, goats cheese and caramelized apple (foie gras de pato, queso de cabra y manzana caramelizada) £15.00
- Fresh canadian lobster in 'escabeche' with avocado, sweet tomatoes, fresh baby leaves and sherry vinaigrette (ensalada de bogavante escabechado con vinagreta de jerez, aguacate y tomate dulce) £16.00
- Grilled mixed vegetables with confit quail and white bean sauce (verduras de la huerta grilladas con codorniz confitada y aderezo de fabes) £10.50
- L' albufera salad: manchego cheese tuile, with warm prawns in escabeche, jabugo ham and foie shavings with a light sherry vinaigrette accompanied by mixed baby leafs
(ensalada l'albufera: tulipa de queso manchego, con langostinos templados, jamon ibérico y virutas de foie con vinagreta de jerez y bouquet de lechugas) £12.00
Other starters are available
Main Course
- Crispy suckling pig scented with herbs and served with a timbale of 'panadera' potatoes (cochinillo crujiente al aroma de hierbas forestales acompañado de patatas panaderas) £22.00
- Fillet of beef on a bed of wilted spinach and mixed wild mushroom ragu with sherry
(solomillo de ternera con espinacas y ragout de setas silvestres) £22.50
- Entrecote with liquorish, green beans, courgettes and caramelized tomato petals
(entrecote al regaliz con tallarines de calabacín, judias verdes y pétalos de tomate caramelizado) £23.00
- Aubergine roasted with five-spice accompanied by a sesame cristal (suprema de berenjena aromatizada con 5 especias y con cristal de sésamo) £14.50
- 'Campesino' stew with confit potato pearls and carrot spaghetti (estofado campesino con patatas confitadas y tallarines de zanahoria) £15.00
- Special garden vegetables paella with a thin 'crust' or without (arroz de vegetales de la huerta murciana en costra o sin costra)£13.15
Other main dishes are available
- Spanish rice pudding with chocolate shavings and almond tulipe (arroz con leche, virutas de chocolate y tulipa de almendras) £6.50
- Banana with brandy sauce and fired turron ice cream (plátano crujiente con romero, salsa al brandy y crujiente de helado de turrón) £7.00
- Granite of watermelon with melon pearls poached in tio pepe sherry (granizado de sandía con bolitas de melón glaseadas con jerez) £6.50
- Fried milk with strawberries poached with red peppercorns and chestnut ice-cream
(leche tostada con fresas a la pimienta y helado de castaña) £7.00
Other desserts are available
Additional Information
Melia White House Hotel, Albany Street, NW1 3UP
Nearest tube:
Great Portland Street
Average Price:
Opening times:
Mon - Sat 7pm - 10.30pm
Dress Code: