Joseph Neeld, M.P. once resided a few doors from No. 9 at No. 6, where he formed that magnificent collection of pictures with which his name is associated.
Neeld was a millionaire – when such people were not as widespread as they appear to be these days. The foundation of his vast wealth was the property left to him by his uncle Philip Rundell, the wealthy goldsmith of Ludgate Hill, who died in 1827 at the age of eighty-one.
Although wealthy, Rundell did not marry, or indeed have a regular home of his own, but alternately lived with two nieces — one at Brompton, and the other the wife of John Bannister the actor.
His eldest son inherited £10,000 and Bannister himself £5,000, but the residuary beneficiary was Joseph Neeld, who acquired over £1,000,000.