London in 1900 - Places beginning with H

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Haber Dashers Hall 33 Gresham Street, behind General Post Office. contains portraits of eminent Haberdashers.... more »
Hackney A suburb of London, includes Upper and Lower Clapton; is said to have given... more »
Hambleden In Bucks on left bank of the Thames, about 62 miles from London by... more »
Hammersmith A suburb of London, on the banks of the Thames.... more »
Hampstead Heath A stretch of real country within easy reach of the heart of London,... more »
Hampton Court Palace This splendid Palace was built by Cardinal Wolsey in 1515, and afterwards... more »
Hanwell A village about 7 miles by rail from London. It has a large lunatic... more »
Harrow (on The Hill) Noted for its great School, competing with Eton amongst the highest... more »
Hastings and St Leonards A beautiful watering place, or combined watering place, with a mild... more »
Hatton Garden is a street leading from Holborn Circus; so called from being built on... more »
Haymarket (the), a street leading from Pall Mall, is noted as being the Centre of... more »
Hendon About 7 miles from London, near Finchley. Here is situated the "welsh Harp," a... more »
Henley Royal Regatta This favourite event takes place usually about the beginning of July. The... more »
Heralds College of Arms is in Queen Victoria Street, City. contains many objects of interest... more »
Herne Hill A suburb of London; distance 4 miles by rail from Victoria Station.... more »
Hertford An interesting old town near London, situated on south bank of River Lea. Contains... more »
High Barnet is about is 11 miles from London by rail. At Hadley, near here,... more »
Highgate One of the Northern Heights of London; still retains much of its old. world... more »
Holborn a continuation of Oxford Street, towards the City, being situated on high ground, with... more »
Houndsditch The quarter for old clothes and second. hand dealers, principally Jewish.... more »
Hounslow A town about 53 miles from Charing Cross Station. hounslow Heath was the site... more »
Holborn Circus is situated between Holborn Viaduct and Holborn; in the centre is a statue... more »
Holborn Viaduct connects Holborn with Newgate Street; was built across the Fleet Valley to get... more »
Holloway A large suburban district between Highbury and Highgate, the Holloway Road ending at tile... more »
Holloway College (the Royal). founded in 1883 by the late Mr. Thomas Holloway, proprietor of... more »
Holywell Street Strand. a narrow side street, chiefly occupied by second. hand booksellers; it is... more »
Home Office Part of the Public Offices designed by Sir Gilbert Scott in Whitehall, erected... more »
Honourable Artillery Company have their extensive Armoury and Parade. ground near Bunhill Fields, the corps... more »
Horse Guards Whitehall. has Life. guardsmen as sentinels during the day in the two sentry... more »
Horselydown Southwark. Extends from Tooley Street to Dockhead. Was so called from being formerly used... more »
Horticultural Society (royal). The Gardens are at South Kensington and Chiswick. Members' Tickets, I, 2... more »
Hospitals London abounds with these and kindred institutions for the relief of poor people. The... more »
Houses of Parliament (the), Westminster. one of the finest and largest Public Buildings in London,... more »
Hoxton A populous suburb adjoining Shoreditch. It has a large theatre called the Britannia.... more »
Hyde Park This is by far the most favourite and fashionable park in London. With... more »